5 SEO Mistakes to Avoid in 2023

When it comes to SEO (Search Engine Optimization), there are plenty of dos and don’ts. Today, we are going to specifically be talking about the “don’ts”, five to be exact! I encourage that if you have questions on any of the topics or strategies that we cover below, please feel free to contact me and I am always happy to personally answer any questions or point you in the direction.

SEO techniques that used to be effective may now result in a Google penalty. Previously acceptable practices that helped you rank well on Google are now hindering your progress. Search engines are continuously refining their algorithms to improve the user experience. To ensure your blog's success in 2023 and beyond, it is crucial to prioritize SEO and align your strategies with current best practices.

Alright, let’s dig into 5 SEO Mistakes to Avoid making on your website this year!

1. Keyword Stuffing

This has to be the number one mistake that I see people make. The reasoning is Google can tell when you are creating content just for the sake of SEO. You really want to create content that people want to read and when you keyword stuff, then it leaves your content feeling spammy and nobody wants that.

You might be wondering, what is keyword stuffing?

The practice of keyword stuffing, while once considered a useful SEO technique, has long been condemned as an unethical and ineffective strategy. In the past, website owners would cram their content with an excessive amount of keywords, hoping to rank higher in search engine results. However, with the evolution of search engine algorithms, keyword stuffing is now seen as spammy and leads to penalties rather than improved rankings. Today, search engines prioritize quality and relevance, focusing on user intent and engagement. As a result, content creators are encouraged to focus on providing valuable, well-written content that naturally incorporates relevant keywords, ensuring a positive user experience and long-term success in search engine rankings.

What to do Instead of Keyword Stuffing

  • Write authentically with purpose and intention for your reader

  • Do competitive research and see what top-ranking websites are creating for the same type of article

  • Write to fulfill search intent and answer this question, “Why should a reader select and read your article over someone else’s”

2. Focusing on Quantity not Quality

This goes along the same lines as keyword stuffing where it isn’t about how much you do, it’s what you do. This means, one QUALITY blog post, is better than 10 AI-generated blog posts.

“But Krysta, AI is sooooo easy!” You are correct, AI is making content creation easier and less cumbersome to create BUT it comes with a cost. AI blogs are not created by a human, therefore humans can normally tell what is written by a human and what isn’t. (Hint: Google can also tell!)

So take the time to create thought-out and well-planned blog posts because those are going to be your money pieces into Google’s graces. Think about what YOU want to get out of an article and write a blog like that, but for your reader.

Guidelines for a QUALITY Blog

  • Write FOR your audience (do you see a pattern here?)

  • Solve a problem for your reader/audience

  • Do your keyword research beforehand and use terms that your audience is looking for

  • Use great content structure (i.e. headers, links, photos, bullet points, CAPS, bold to make your content more digestible)

  • Include a CTA

3. Not Using any Content Structure

Content structure plays a crucial role in optimizing a website for search engines. By organizing content in a logical and hierarchical fashion, search engines can easily crawl and understand the site, leading to higher visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs). A well-structured content ensures that relevant keywords are strategically placed, headings and subheadings are used appropriately, and paragraphs are concise and informative. This enhances the readability and user experience, encouraging visitors to spend more time on the site.

Additionally, a clear structure helps search engines identify the main topics and subtopics discussed, allowing them to index and rank the content accurately. Ultimately, a strong content structure contributes significantly to improved SEO performance, increased organic traffic, and better user engagement.

The Basics of Great Content Structure

Headers (or H-tags): Every website builder should give you the option to change the header structure of your content. The headers help your reader (and Google) skim your content to help them find what they are looking for. There are three main tags you should be using at minimum and they are your H1, H2, and H3. Some header tags go all the way to H6, but really anything beyond an H4 doesn’t add much to your overall structure. Below is the ideal structure you can use to plan out your blogs. Ideally, you want one H1, which is your title, then your H2s are your main subjects within each blog. Depending on your content length, you can anywhere from 2-5 H2s per blog, Then any subtopics under your H2 would be your H3s.

Then when you go to write your blog or webpage, then you will have at least one paragraph under each header. Here is what your blog outline will look like in practice:

  • H1: Blog/Webpage Title

    • Intro Paragraph

  • H2: First main topic

    • Paragraph

    • Optional H3 for subtopic

      • Paragraph

  • H2: Second main topic

    • Paragraph

    • Optional H3 for subtopic

      • Paragraph

  • Etc

  • Closing + CTA

4. Not Regularly Updating, Adding, or Auditing Your Content

I wish I could tell you that new content alone is going to increase your organic traffic, but unfortunately, it's not just about the new content you create. Google is placing increasing importance on the overall quality of your website's content. Having poor quality and outdated content on your site can hamper your SEO efforts, even if your new posts are great! Here are some tips for updating your site content:

  • Make it a habit to regularly assess your older content, especially the ones that receive little to no traffic.

  • Ideally, you should try to salvage and improve your old content, making it high quality, up-to-date, and valuable to your audience.

  • If a blog post is beyond salvageable, there's no point in keeping it. Just hit DELETE.

  • Think of it as pruning for your blog. It might sting a little, but in the long run, it will help your blog thrive and flourish.

5. Not Having an SEO Strategy

Here’s the thing, there are approximately 1.13 BILLION other websites on the internet right now. So how are you going to stand out from your competition online? Social media is great for top-of-funnel marketing, but it’s an active avenue of marketing. There’s nothing passive about social media. The nice thing about SEO is that once an SEO blog or webpage is created, then you let Google do the work and it feeds organic traffic to your site (based on the quality of the content of course). Stop the hustle and start sharing your expertise with the world because someone out there is looking for what you have to say.

At the end of the day, having an SEO strategy is crucial in today's digital landscape. With the ever-increasing competition online, it's vital for businesses to optimize their website and content to rank higher in search engine results. An SEO strategy ensures that your website is easily discoverable by potential customers, driving targeted organic traffic to your site. By targeting specific keywords and optimizing your website's structure, content, and meta tags, you improve your chances of appearing at the top of search engine results pages. This increased visibility not only brings more qualified traffic to your site but also enhances your brand's credibility and trustworthiness.

Additionally, a well-executed SEO strategy helps to improve the user experience of your website, making it more intuitive and user-friendly. All in all, having an SEO strategy is essential to gaining a competitive edge, increasing brand exposure, and driving sustainable organic growth in today's digital landscape.


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